Pro-subtilis - a product of guaranteed excellence

Pro-subtilis - a product of guaranteed excellence

Microbe count guaranteed/ probiotic CFU count guaranteed
CFU count guaranteed

​CFU count guaranteed throughout Pro-subtilis shelf life.

Each Pro-subtilis capsule is assured to contain a minimum of 5 billion CFU of Bacillus subtilis DE111® at the expiration date.

Storage stability is assessed in the United States.

Bacillus subtilis DE111 can be stored at room temperature: no need for refrigerated storage
Room temperature storage!

Bacillus subtilis DE111® is one of the few probiotic strains that does not require refrigeration.

Bacillus subtilis DE111® is one of the few probiotic strains that does not require refrigeration.

Bacillus family microbes are capable of forming spores, enabling them to endure challenging environmental conditions – like high temperatures or resisting gastric acid.

moisture protective packaging, desiccator, moisture
Special packaging!

The right packaging

All probiotic strains, with almost no exceptions, are moisture sensitive.
Pro-subtilis probiotic is packaged in a special container designed to protect it from humidity.

Be sure to close the package tightly after use!

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